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Towelket One More Time 6 Review

(Warning: This game contains content that may not be suitable for younger viewers and the easily disturbed. Please refer to the warnings at the bottom of → This Page ← Keep in mind that some of these topics will be mentioned in this review)

Towelket One More Time 6 is the fourth entry in the Towelket series, released on December 13, 2009. There are actually two versions of this game, one titled Towelket 6 and the other titled Towelket Ura. They're basically the same game, the only difference between them is that Ura adds an extra scene after the end of the game.

The story begins with Minpou, a young girl who, alongside her friends, is eagerly awaiting the birth of her younger sister. The baby is born without incident and Paripariume, Minpou's mother, asks God to watch over their little family. But little do they know: A certain alien race called the Pons have landed on Earth and plan to take over the entire planet.

With this being the fourth game in the series, how exactly does Towelket 6 compare to the previous games that came before it? With each entry being an improvement over the last, you would think that this would be the game that really combines all the qualities of the previous games that came before it and truly becomes something special...right?

Weeeelllll, I actually left something out of the little summary I wrote for this game. You see, in between these two events, a certain scene takes place. We get a cutscene of one of Minpou's aforementioned friends, Warawau, a girl who lives in the local orphanage. In this single scene, she calls over a stray dog, brutally murders it, and then proceeds to do "stuff" while looking over its bloody corpse.

No, this is not a spoiler. It happens within the first few minutes of the game. So, right off the bat, this game proves to be the most disturbing entry in the series so far. And while the idea of Kanao children's book-like scenarios mixed with explicit brutal horror sounds intriguing... This game unfortunately fails to present a story that is even a little bit interesting

This story has no shortage of disturbing moments that occur within the first hour of the game, only for them to fall completely flat on their face due to the fact that they're just outright poorly written. All of Towelket 6's flaws can be traced back to one thing: its lack of substance. This is especially apparent in the game's introduction, where it tries so hard to shock the viewer with an onslaught of horrific events, but simply lacks the self-awareness and subtlety to make them truly effective. The game tries to contrast this by really playing up the cutesy nature of the setting, but all that accomplishes is making the world around the characters feel hollow. The more creative and subtle ways in which Towelket 2 and Towelket 1 presented their events are just completely lost on this game.

We're supposed to take this scene seriously by the way

What follows after the game's introduction is what I can only describe as the world's most uninspired walking simulator. And believe me, I absolutely despise the term "Walking Simulator" as it's often used to undermine games that focus more on storytelling or even just different forms of gameplay other than standard combat. However, this game really has no story to tell, and the gameplay consists mostly of walking around generic maps while the characters in your party have absolutely nothing to say. There are probably about five bosses in total in this game, and the only one with any real significance to the conflict is the first boss you encounter. Engaging with the mobs scattered around the map is actively discouraged by this game, as the ways to get consumables and armor just become nonexistent for a while. This isn't something that's done for the sake of difficulty, as all the required combat is extremely easy.

For whatever reason, the enemies just stopped dropping items after the first hour, and you could go through area after area with no way to heal your party or even buy items. The only thing I can conclude from this is that the game just doesn't expect you to actually try to engage with any of the enemies on the map after the first few chapters.

Well, I mentioned that this game has no real story to tell. What exactly did I mean by that? The thing about Towelket 6 is that barely an hour into the game, it completely gives up on presenting an actual narrative. The entire conflict of the story is pushed aside and forgotten, while the antagonists are only relevant when they need to get the characters from Point A to Point B. And that's basically all the story is at this point. Getting from Point A to Point B. Along the way, we're introduced to a bunch of characters who exist just to have filler conversations on every map so you forget there's no actual story going on.

98% of the interactions play out like this

As for the characters, they just exist. Even though Minpou, Warawau, and Nyanyamo are initially presented as the main trio, the game is actually about Agochu and Pucchi. Everyone else exists to have a single gag that they'll repeat forever.

Overall, Towelket 6's biggest crime is that it's just boring. It has nothing to say, but insists that you listen to it anyway. Aside from maybe one or two lines that were so bizarre I couldn't help but find them amusing, this game just fails in every way. The general consensus among fans of this series is that the first hour is the strongest part and everything falls apart once the game gets bored of that storyline, but personally I have to disagree. I can see how the dynamics between the initial characters might be intriguing, but they're still a far cry from the much stronger introductions of Towelket 2 and Towelket 1's cast. It's easy to imagine how this game could have been something if it had stuck to its original plot, but, I don't know, nothing in the writing of this particular section really suggests that it could ever have been better than what was already presented.

Unfortunately, this is one of the few games that has a direct connection to another game in the series, the sequel it teases at the end: Towelket 4, a much better game by far. So I can't even tell people to completely ignore this one. My suggestion is to just watch a playthrough of Towelket 6 on Youtube or something instead of actually playing it. That's probably the best way to go about it.

I rate this game 1/5 Towels